My Natural Texture

Hi ladies,

In this video I show pictures of my natural hair, new growth, and texlaxed texture. The pictures speak for themselves but I'll reiterate that my natural texture is very coarse and thick. I do have some fine strands mixed in, but most people have a blend of strand thickness and softness/coarseness. My hair has very tight curls which I make more manageable by texlaxing, instead of relaxing bone straight. By texlaxing, I keep the texture in my hair and it curls when wet.

It took years to learn what my hair needed and once I did, it thrived. Not knowing how to care for coarse thick strands can be frustrating. But if you take the time to learn what works, your hair will thank you. I now love my texture, rather than see it as a source of frustration.

Happy growing.


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