New Hair Goal: Hip Length in 2012

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I've been wrestling with the idea of growing my hair to hip length for some time now.  Reaching waist length was a major accomplishment, especially considering the countless setbacks I've experienced.  Having reached waist length, I'm confident that I can reach hip length in two years.

The great thing about setting hair length goals is that it forces you to track your progress.  Many of us are reluctant to take pictures of our hair because we either don't want to the face the truth about the current condition of our hair or we feel silly taking pictures of the back of our head.  I've experienced both emotions but am happy that I decided to take pictures of my hair because I have a sense of accomplishment when I compare pictures.  When I'm comparing pictures because of a setback, I feel encouraged that I can regain the length and/or thickness I lost.    

Will I keep it at hip length?  Well, that's a question for my future self to answer (LOL).  But for now, my long term goal is to grow my hair to hip length by December 2012.  My short term goal is to reach waist length by December 2011.

Will you join me in setting both short and long term hair goals?  If so, take a starting point picture today and post it on the Kibibi Hair Facebook Page.


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