Why Does the NAACP Hate the Tea Party Movement?

In conducting an NAACP launched a campaign to discredit the tea party movement.

On Tuesday, the national leadership of the NAACP unanimously adopted the following decision, NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous, who issued a written statement:

"No problem with our tea party movement. We believe in freedom of assembly and increased people aloud in a democracy. What remains disputed tea party of tolerance for bigotry and zealous statements. The time has come to accept liability comes with an impact and clearly no place for racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movements. "

As NAACP delegates presented the resolution for debate and passage after what they claim is one year from the Tea Party vitriolic demonstrations, during which participants used racial slurs and images.

In March they received from members of the Congressional Black Caucasus tea party accosted by protesters and called racial epithets.

They say that civil rights icon John Lewis Congressman spit on, and Congressman Emanuel Cleaver is called "Mr." and openly gay Congressman Barney Frank has called an ugly anti-gay insult.

Let's look at their statements line by line to expose their contempt for the right-center of the mass movement that has awakened America to the irresponsibility of one party rule, fiscal irresponsibility, irresistible
debt and expand government.

In NAACP claims they have no problem with the tea party movement? You can read all their claims and then will let you decide.

On one side of the NAACP argues that believes in freedom of assembly and the people raising aloud in a democracy. But in their newly adopted resolution, the next sentence they blast the majority of
Tea Party members who do just that.

In the NAACP can not provide a trace of evidence to prove that there was organized effort orchestrated by the "leadership" of the tea party head forward "racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry.

They could produce no written documents or speeches that it approves or advance their unfounded claims.

Tea Party is not organized movement. It is not organization, NAACP.

Tea parties are dozens of groups that call themselves a group of "Tea Party" Movement.

Which group is the real tea party? There is only one Tea Party group that speaks for all.

There are many "leaders" of the tea party movement.

As in all mass organizations formed free will committed "members" and those just attending the event who do not speak for all and say and do things that can not fairly be attributed to the whole movement.

NAACP Resolution states - without evidence to support their baseless claims - that in March this year in the Tea Party Rally in Washington, members of the Congressional Black Caucasus were "accosted" by the tea party demonstrators and subjected to "racial epithets."

The fact is that nobody is ever charged or convicted of assault against a member of Congress, or any violation of their civil rights.

Indeed, it appeared to me that some members of Congress were looking Caucasus Black incident to happen that day. They deliberately appear in the crowd and challenging walk through a demonstration hoping for incidents that I believe they later works.

With all the personal phones, cameras and the sheer number of members of the press that
rush this case is not one person seems evidence to substantiate allegations that they say occurred.

Neither the NAACP, nor those alleged attack were able to identify or name of the perpetrators' acts, they say.

In fact, a demonstration site that day was a team with Capitol police and other law enforcement officials
Which accompany these congressmen as they made way through the crowd.

Surely they would have acted had witnessed actions that are hard or been informed about these incidents when they allegedly occurred.

I attended the Tea Party Rally and March to the Capitol not personally witnessed anyone acting improperly and disrespectfully. The majority of participants are ranked and the exercise of the rights of many NAACP claims they argue for and fight for.

It is very strange that the NAACP waited so long to act against the tea party movement. What could be their motivation?

I suggest you that the cause of the NAACP acting against the tea party is to distract attention from the brewing dispute about failure of the U.S. Department of Justice may bring to justice members of the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation of polling place Philadelphia in 2008 Presidential elections.

Video of the incident in the polls in Pennsylvania clearly showed a member of the New Black
Panther Party brandishing a nightstick in paramilitary dress.

Bartle Bull, former civil rights lawyer and publisher of the left Village Voice, witnessed the above cases. Mr. Bull for what he sees as "the most blatant forms of voter intimidation I've ever seen."

Mr. Bull continued to say that he personally heard a member of the new party Black screaming in front of the polling place: "You're on your way to exclude the black man, poor man!"

Where is the outrage from the NAACP in connection with this incident?

In the NAACP is in the business section of the people rather than brings people together. If everyone gets together they are out of business.

This attempt by the NAACP to shift attention from the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation this painting of a mass organization as racist is crying fire in a crowded theater when there is none.

Bradley A. Blakeman served as deputy assistant to President George W. Bush 2001-04. Currently a professor of policy and public policy at Georgetown University and a frequent contributor to the Fox forum.


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