Hair Loss Affects All

Author: Sandra Rodrigues

Hair Loss or Alopecia is an affliction normally associated with older men, but now it is commonly being found in women and also children. There is a normal amount of hair loss that everyone experiences which is nothing to worry about. This is then solved by the natural growing of hair to replace those that have fallen out.

Years ago the main reason for hair loss was attributed to stress � meaning that the commonest gender affected were males holding high positions in companies. Their stressful jobs were given as the reason for their hair loss (and other conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure). Stress is still one of the main causes of hair loss but it affects all genders and all age groups so that now younger people and women are also becoming commonly afflicted. Younger people are under so much pressure nowadays from their families, friends and school or college that their hormones together with alcohol and drug abuse can affect their hair growth. Women are having to juggle day jobs, managing the home and looking after their children so stress levels are higher than ever before. So, the companies providing hair loss treatments and hair loss products have had to rethink and redesign their hair loss solutions.

Possible other hair loss causes that have been muted includes genetics (genes passed on through families (if a father was bald, chances are his son will also be bald), bad diet (not eating healthily and drinking too much alcohol), smoking and certain medications (side effects). Some feel that their bad diet combined with a lack of exercise constitutes an un-healthy lifestyle which has contributed to affecting their hair re-growth, i.e. that any hair lost naturally doesn�t have the nutrients required to replace that hair at a normal rate so the re-growth takes longer and sometimes not at all.

If you are experiencing a considerable loss of hair or you feel that your normal hair loss has increased, then you must ensure you visit your doctor or physician to assess you. It is better to get checked out by a professional who may identify the problem and have a solution before referring to a hair specialist.

Tags: Hair Loss, Hair Loss Causes, Alopecia



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