Our eyebrows were raised a notch when we saw the video for Miley Cyrus' new song, Who Owns My Heart. Don't get us wrong, we love singing along to a bit of Miley but we don't think the 17-year-old should be wriggling around in barely there negligee.
However, there is one person who doesn't think there is any thing wrong with this (don't worry, it's not a pervy guy) is best pal, Demi Lovato.

"She's my best friend, so you better watch out... I think she looks stunning, and I will defend her 100 percent for the rest of my life."
Err...alright then Demi, don't get your knick-nacks in a twist...
What do you think? Is Miley's new video too grown up or do you agree with Demi? Tell us on Twitter @areyouentwise and on our Facebook fan page.
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