French braids
French braids are a classic take on the general braid. French Braids are simple to do, look elegant and are certainly more stylish than a ponytail. A French Braid can be done for any occasion, whether it is a party, formal lunch or office meeting. The general braid just includes the ends of your hair, but a French Braid is a sophisticated braid that includes your whole hair and not just the ends. The French Braid is also beautiful to look at, as it appears to be sleeker, finer and more artistic than the general braid. This type of braid looks tough to do, but once you start doing it, it gets easier. All you need is simple instructions, someone with long hair to practice the braid on, and there you go. With the perfect requirements, you are all set to master the art of making a French Braid. All you need is a dash of patience to do this style carefully and it will lead to the creation many beautiful hairstyles.
Simple instructions for the French Braids:
A small section of hair has to be divided into three parts. Remember that this section should be the place where the braid will start.
-Now, each section has to be combed smoothly.
-The right section has to be crossed over the middle section so that the original right section
becomes the middle section.
-Now, all the sections have to be pulled away from each other to tighten the plait.
-The left section has to be crossed over the middle section so that the original left section
becomes the middle section.
French braids

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